その他 観光情報

How to get to Lake Kawaguchi and Mt. Fuji 5th station

By train(From JR Shinjuku Station to Lake Kawaguchi)

There are two ways to get from Shinjuku to Lake Kawaguchi by train.

Before 10:30 am after 10:30 am.

Firstly, before 10:30, you can go the Lake Kawaguchi directly by using FUJI EXCURSION (富士回遊,a Limited Express train).

The train fare is 4130JPY and the time required is approximately two hours.


Secondly, after 10:30, you have to take a Azusa or Kaiji(Express train)from JR Shinjuku station and get off the JR Otsuki station and transfer to Fujikyu Railway Line.

The train fare is 3930JPY and the time required is approximately two hours.


Tickets are available at Eki-net(JR East train online reservation system) or ticket office(みどりの窓口)or ticket vending machine at JR stations.

※If you want to make a reservation by eki-net, please select purchase tickets and select Search by Line and please select chuo line(Chiba/Tokyo-Matsumoto and others) and departure station is Shinjuku and arrival station is kawaguchiko.

By bus(Fron Busta Shinjuku; Shinjuku expressway bus terminal to Lake Kawaguchi)

You can go to the Lake Kawaguchi by highway bus, it departs from Busta Shinjuku.

It is located nearby JR Shinjuku station south exit.

And you can buy ticket from highway.com or ticket office or ticket vending machine at Busta Shinjuku.

The bus fare is 2200JPY.

So, this is how to buy ticket from highway.com

Firstly, Route search from Tokyo to Yamanashi

Secondly, please select Shinjuku-Fujigoko・Mt. Fuji 5th station line.

Thirdly, please select bus stop departing from Shinjuku expressway bus terminal and arriving at

Kawaguchi sta.

From Lake Kawaguchi station to Mt. Fuji 5th station.

You have to take a local bus(Fuji-Subaru Line) from Lake Kawaguchi station or Mt. Fuji station.


From Busta Shinjuku(Shinjuku expressway bus terminal) to Mt. Fuji 5th station

※During the summer season only, there is a direct bus from Busta Shinjuku to Mt. Fuji 5th station.

Also, you can get a ticket from highway.com or ticket office or ticket vending machine at Busta Shinjuku.

If you buy ticket from highway.com, please select bus stop departing from Shinjuku expressway bus terminal and arriving at Mt. Fuji 5th sta.


Lastly, we recommend making reservations in advance as it is very crowed.

If you have any questions, please come to the front desk.




〒160-0021 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町2-40-3
JR・小田急線・京王線・東京メトロ新宿駅東口より、徒歩8分/西武新宿線 西武新宿駅北口より、徒歩2分/都営地下鉄大江戸線 東新宿駅A1出口より、徒歩6分/東京メトロ副都心線 東新宿駅A1出口より、徒歩6分/JR新大久保駅より、徒歩8分