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【お台場】までの行き方 How to Get to Odaiba







  1. プレミアホテル-CABIN-新宿

↓ 徒歩10分~15分

  1. 新宿駅から新橋駅へ JR山手線内回り(品川・東京方面)

↓ 乗車時間25分

   3. 新橋駅から自由の女神像へ (ゆりかもめに乗り換え)

↓ ゆりかもめホームまでは徒歩で約5分かかります。

4. ゆりかもめで「お台場海浜公園駅」または「台場駅」へ

↓ 乗車時間15分です。

 5. お台場海浜公園駅または台場駅から自由の女神像へ

↓ 徒歩5分





How to Get to Odaiba

Hello everyone, this is Premier Hotel-CABIN-Shinjuku.

Thank you for always staying with Premier Hotel-CABIN-Shinjuku.

This time, we would like to introduce you to the charming area of Odaiba.

Odaiba is a popular tourist spot facing Tokyo Bay, where you can enjoy shopping, entertainment, culture, and leisure. Among the attractions, the most famous is the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty in Odaiba is a replica of the Statue of Liberty in New York, and it is a popular photo spot with Tokyo Bay as the backdrop. It is located near Decks Tokyo Beach in Odaiba Marine Park. At night, both the Statue of Liberty and the Rainbow Bridge are lit up, providing a beautiful night view. In addition, Odaiba has many other tourist spots, such as Odaiba Marine Park, the Rainbow Bridge, and Diver City Tokyo Plaza. Why not take a stroll around Odaiba and create wonderful memories?

How to Get to Odaiba from Premier Hotel-CABIN-Shinjuku

1.Premier Hotel-CABIN-Shinjuku: Walk for 10 to 15 minutes.

2.From Shinjuku Station to Shimbashi Station:  Take the JR Yamanote Line (Inner Loop towards Shinagawa/Tokyo) → (Travel time: 25 minutes)

3.From Shimbashi Station to the Statue of Liberty: Transfer to the Yurikamome Line. (It takes about 5 minutes to walk to the Yurikamome platform.)

Take the Yurikamome to “Odaiba-kaihinkoen Station” or “Daiba Station”. (Travel time: 15 minutes.)

4.From Odaiba-kaihinkoen Station or Daiba Station to the Statue of Liberty: (Walk for 5 minutes.)

※Please note that it takes approximately 1 hour to get from our hotel to Odaiba.

We hope you have a wonderful time in Odaiba and enjoy a relaxing stay at our hotel.

All the staff are looking forward to welcoming you.




〒160-0021 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町2-40-3
JR・小田急線・京王線・東京メトロ新宿駅東口より、徒歩8分/西武新宿線 西武新宿駅北口より、徒歩2分/都営地下鉄大江戸線 東新宿駅A1出口より、徒歩6分/東京メトロ副都心線 東新宿駅A1出口より、徒歩6分/JR新大久保駅より、徒歩8分