Emergency Guide / 방재 가이드 / 防災指南

地震(Earthquake / 지진)

地震が発生したら(When an earthquake occurs / 지진이 발생 / 發生地震)

This building built to withstand earthquakes.
Please wait for our announcement while we confirm the intensity.
Watch up falling object and protect your head.

エレベーター(elevator / 엘리베이터 / 升降機)

Elevators will automatically stop at the nearest floor.
If you are trapped inside, press the emergency button.

避難する場合(in case of evacuation / 대피 시 / 在撤離的情況下)

Please remain calm and follow the instructions provided by the staff.
Do not use the elevator.
During the evacuation, be careful with falling objects from above.

リンク集(Links / 링크집 / 連結)

緊急情報(Emergency Information / 긴급 정보 / 緊急資訊)

交通情報(Transport Information / 교통 정보 / 交通資訊)

関西国際空港 / Kansai International Airport

大阪国際空港(伊丹空港) / Osaka Itami Airport

JR西日本 / JR-West

大阪メトロ / Osaka Metro

阪急電車 / Hankyu Railway
Japan Transit Planner
This nationwide railway and airline transfer information service provides information about routes, approximate time required, and charges when you enter information including your current location, destination, departure time, and scheduled arrival time.
For the latest information, please check the official website of each transportation facility.

防災マップ(Disaster Prevention Map / 방재지도 / 防災地圖)

大使館(Embassies / 대사관 / 大使館)