Transportation / 교통편 / 交通
アクセス(Access / 오시는 길 / 交通指南)
関西国際空港 / Kansai International Airport / 간사이 국제 공항 / 關西國際機場
大阪国際空港(伊丹空港) / Osaka Itami Airport / 오사카(이타미)공항 / 大阪國際(伊丹)機場
リンク集(Links / 링크집 / 連結)
関西国際空港 / Kansai International Airport
大阪国際空港(伊丹空港) / Osaka Itami Airport
阪急電車 / Hankyu Railway
Japan Transit Planner
This nationwide railway and airline transfer information service provides information about routes, approximate time required, and charges when you enter information including your current location, destination, departure time, and scheduled arrival time.
For the latest information, please check the official website of each transportation facility.